
Automated Threat Intelligent System integrated with McAfee Advanced Threat Defense and Malware Information Sharing Platform

Tools   Automated Threat Intelligent System integrated with McAfee Advanced Threat Defense and Malware Information Sharing Platform   02/09/2019     Anastasis Vasileiadis Automated Threat Intelligent System An improvised automated threat intelligent system with advanced vulnerability scanners and Opensource Intelligence Information gathering python scripts when integrated with McAfee Advanced Threat Defense and Malware Information Sharing Platform can defend against new and futuristic cyber attacks. ATD-MISP with OpenDXL This integration is focusing on the automated threat intelligence collection with McAfee ATD, OpenDXL, and MISP. McAfee Advanced Threat Defense (ATD) will produce local threat intelligence that will be pushed via DXL. An OpenDXL wrapper will subscribe and parse indicators ATD produced and will import indicators into a threat intelligence management platform (MISP). Component Description McAfee Advanced Threat Defense (ATD)  ...

seeker v1.1.7 releases: Find GeoLocation with High Accuracy

seeker v1.1.7 releases: Find GeoLocation with High Accuracy



Seeker utilizes HTML5, Javascript, JQuery and PHP to grab Device Information and GeoLocation with High Accuracy.
Seeker Hosts a fake website on Apache Server and uses Ngrok to generate an SSL link which asks for Location Permission and if the user allows it, we can get :
  • Longitude
  • Latitude
  • Accuracy
  • Altitude – Not always available
  • Direction – Only available if a user is moving
  • Speed – Only available if a user is moving
Along with Location Information, we can also get Device Information without any permissions :
  • Operating System
  • Platform
  • Number of CPU Cores
  • Amount of RAM – Approximate Results
  • Screen Resolution
  • GPU information
  • Browser Name and Version
  • Public IP Address
This tool is purely a Proof of Concept and is for Educational Purposes Only, Seeker shows what data a malicious website can gather about you and your devices and why you should not click on random links and allow critical permissions such as Location, etc.
  • Other tools and services offer IP Geolocation which is not very accurate and does not give the location of a user.
  • Generally, if a user accepts location permission, Accuracy of the information received is accurate to approximately 30 meters.
Note: On iPhone due to some reason location accuracy is approximately 65 meters.


git clone https://github.com/thewhiteh4t/seeker.git
cd seeker/
chmod 777 install.sh

# After Installation just type seeker in console

# OR using Docker

# Install docker

curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sh get-docker.sh

# Build Seeker
cd seeker/
docker build -t seeker .

# Launch seeker
docker run -t --rm seeker


Copyright (C) 2018 thewhiteh4t



WinPwn v1.2 releases: Automation for internal Windows Penetration Testing

Tools   WinPwn v1.2 releases: Automation for internal Windows Penetration Testing   02/09/2019     Anastasis Vasileiadis WinPwn Automation for internal Windows  Penetration Testing . 1) Automatic Proxy Detection 2) Elevated or unelevated Detection 3) Forensic Mode oder Pentest Mode a. Forensik -> Loki + PSRECON + Todo: Threathunting functions b. Pentest -> Internal Windows Domain System i. Inveigh NBNS/SMB/HTTPS Spoofing ii. Local Reconing -> Hostenum, SessionGopher, FileSearch, PSRecon iii. Domain Reconing -> GetExploitableSystems, Powerview functions, ACL-Analysis, ADRecon 1) Todo: Grouper for Group Policy overview iv. Privilege Escalation -> Powersploit (Allchecks), GPP-Passwords, MS-Exploit Search (Sherlock), WCMDump, JAWS v. Lazagne Password recovery vi. Exploitation -> Kerberoasting, Mimikittenz, Mimikatz with Admin-rights vii. LateralMovement -> FindLocalAdminAccess 1) Invoke-MassMimikatz || Powershell Empire Remote La...

evil-winrm v1.6

evil-winrm v1.6 releases: Windows Remote Management shell for pentesting Evil-WinRM This shell is the ultimate WinRM shell for hacking/pentesting. WinRM (Windows Remote Management) is the Microsoft implementation of the WS-Management  Protocol . A standard SOAP-based protocol that allows hardware and operating systems from different vendors to interoperate. Microsoft included it in their Operating Systems in order to make life easier to system administrators. This program can be used on any Microsoft Windows Servers with this feature enabled (usually at port 5985), of course only if you have credentials and permissions to use it. So we can say that it could be used in a post-exploitation hacking/pentesting phase. The purpose of this program is to provide nice and easy-to-use features for hacking. It can be used with legitimate purposes by system administrators as well but most of its features are focused on hacking/pentesting stuff. Features Command History WinR...

Defcon 27

Defcon 27 writing custom backdoor payloads with C# workshop Writing custom backdoor payloads with C# This workshop aims to provide attendees hands-on experience on writing custom backdoor payloads using C# for the most common command and control frameworks including Metasploit, Powershell Empire, and Cobalt Strike. The workshop consists of 7 lab exercises; each of the exercises goes over a different technique that leverages C# and .NET capabilities to obtain a reverse shell on a victim Windows host. The covered techniques include raw shellcode injection, process injection, process hollowing, runtime compilation, parent pid spoofing, antivirus bypassing, etc. At the end of this workshop, attendees will have a clear understanding of these techniques both from an attack and defense perspective. Skill Level : Intermediate Prerequisites : Basic to intermediate programming/scripting skills. Prior experience with C# helps but not required. Materials : Laptop with virtualization s...